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About our Shabbatons

Shabbat is the day of rest from the distractions that surround us all week. It’s a day we can spend with family, friends and fellow Jews. A 26 hour break from the never ending race of the world to recharge our spiritual batteries. Our Shabbatons are unique events where groups of people are brought together to experience a beautiful Shabbat. We cater to all kinds of people, from Jews just starting to learn about Judaism to those giving it another chance. From singles seeking their soulmates to divorcees, widows and orphans. Those who need an accepting and loving environment to help fan that spark inside into a burning flame find it here.

Our Shabbatons are life changing for so many, help your brothers and sisters by sponsoring our next Shabbaton (partial sponsors are welcome!).

Shabbat with Love

  • A loving and inspiring environment for Shabbat
  • Song and Dance
  • Good Food
  • Great Company
  • Mind changing Torah concepts
  • Help Spread the kindness and beauty of Shabbat

Experience a Shabbaton in 4 Minutes!